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Lender Solutions | Blog

Read the latest news on lending.

Is Low Mortgage Rate a Mirage?

Mortgage rates have been hitting record lows for the past few months, but that has not increased the rate of home sales around the nation. Why is that? There are many factors that are obstructing home sales, including bad credit, low income, and the tougher

Foreclosure; the Apple that Leaves a Bad Taste

In times when ‘For Sale’ boards and foreclosed homes are rampant, one often thinks of the expression ‘one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel’. Is it really true in the case of housing market? Well, according to a study conducted by economists from MIT and

Are we safe with Electronic signature?

So the go green trend has caught up with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). They are going paperless by implementing electronic signatures on income tax forms.What do you think? Will it bring security and ease?