8 Smart Ways to Avoid Foreclosure on Your Property

Of late, the U.S. housing market has been quite unfavorable to the interests of homebuyers. One of the key symptoms of the unhealthy U.S. housing market is the surging rate of foreclosures. According to housing experts, mounting non-mortgage debt and stagnant wages are the key

A Smart Guide to Filling 4506-T Form

4506-T form is filled when an individual or a business needs a transcript of tax return for past years from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). One can request the transcript to be sent to himself/herself or to a third party. Form 4506-T can be easily

A Quick Guide to Buying Foreclosure Property

U.S. housing market is witnessing a fall in the mortgage rate consecutively for 6 weeks. Now when interest rates are at a new low, foreclosure home inventory is surging like never before. As per foreclosure report of RealtyTrac for Jan’14, 1 in every 1,058 homes

U.S. Mortgage Rate on a Falling Streak

Average 30 year fixed mortgage rate slipped from 4.14% to 4.12% last week. Average 15 year fixed mortgage rate plummeted as well, from 3.25% to 3.21%. This is the fifth straight week of U.S. mortgage rates continuing to tumble down. The housing analysts are attributing this

7 Smart Ways to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit

Home buyers are passing through stringent times. Today, lenders expect home buyers to put down at least 20 percent down payment or have a flying credit score of 720 or above. But let’s be real – Not every one of us is blessed with a

U.S. Mortgage Lending Volume Hits a 17-Year Low

The U.S. housing market is witnessing a 17-year low in the lending volume. The downturn was triggered by a percent point increase in the interest prices last year, which in turn was a result of Federal Reserve’s announcement of tapering its stimulus cash. The average

Smart Tips for Buyers to Make the Best of the Housing Market

Every market has its turns and tumbles. Real Estate is a volatile market too, where the rates fluctuate frequently in significant proportions. In such indefinite times, the sellers have to   constantly revamp their marketing strategies to survive in the market. But even as a homebuyer,

How to Save On Your Mortgage – 9 Smart Tips

Mortgage repayments make a significant portion of your monthly expenses. It can eat up to 1/3rd of your monthly income. It would have been really nice if we can spend a little less on repayments. With the mortgage rate reaching 2 months high, the question

6 Things Your Lender Might Not Tell You

Getting mortgage is anything but easy! First, mortgage rates are too fluid, tumbling up and down all the time. Second, the competition in the mortgage is fierce and it becomes difficult for the borrowers to differentiate good lenders from the bad ones. If your lender shows