Are you working with a criminal? We can find out for you!

In the business world, workplace security is critical. Criminals can, and often do, jeopardize workplace safety, exploit corporate data for their own illegal profit, and cause irreparable harm to brand reputations. Fortunately for you, Private Eyes, Inc. can help prevent workplace crime before it happens. Private Eyes, Inc.

What Components Go Into A Background Check?

When people sign waivers about background checks, most people just think it’s screening for criminal history. However, background checks consist of more than searching criminal history. Basic employment background checks look into educational history to see if their candidate has a certain degree. Another component

What Is In Your Background Check?

Whether you are applying for a job, or renting an apartment, a background check is most likely an important part of the process. The results of a background check will not be the only factor considered, but serious blemishes could cause some unwanted headaches. You

Are Your References Credible? You Would Be Surprised

When it comes to references, most people are honest. After all, it’s not hard for a reasonable adult to provide a few references. Old bosses, mentors, colleagues, and community leaders can often step in to vouch for someone. Unfortunately, some people will take the unethical route

Is There A Sex Offender At Work? We Can Check!

Regardless of where you work, it is important to feel completely safe and secure at your office or place of business. There are a few important ways that you can accomplish this goal. Meet with your boss to go over acceptable conduct and behavior guidelines

Making A Safe Workplace Possible

One of the first steps that every employer should take to make the workplace safe is to conduct proper background screening on any potential employees. Background checks can provide the employer with a rounded look at the potential employee in a manner that cannot be