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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

5 Lies HR Has Discovered On Resumes

In the old days before the internet made it possible to immediately fact check absolutely everything, hopeful job seekers often got away with a lot of little white lies and even some big whoppers that they listed on their resumes. Today, the human resources department

Meet Our Team Leaders!

At Private Eyes, Inc. it’s all about teamwork! That’s the reason we’ve been able to deliver on tight timelines, maintain a 99% customer satisfaction record and have seen year-over-year growth.  We want to take a moment to recognize our management team who have been instrumental in motivating

Why Does An Employer Conduct A Background Check?

Motivation for an employer to require background checks is often based on the desire to safeguard corporate assets and mitigate risk. The practice has increased by 30 percent since 1996, and most companies now require it. Desirable outcomes that influence an employer’s decision to use