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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

Should You Trust Online Resumes

Computer hackers keep coming up with new ways to spread their malware. The latest ploy used the resume-posting site CareerBuilder as a launching platform to get their programs into the computers and onto the servers of various companies looking for employees through that site. It’s

Hiring in the Age of Social Media

The omnipresence of social media makes it easy for contemporary employers to develop impressions of candidates without ever meeting them face to face. One of the advantages of using social media is that it helps employers weed out candidates who are not a match and

3 Differences Between Male & Female Candidates

In the modern workforce, men and women are both valuable assets. In fact, many businesses seek to hire individuals of both genders in order to create a balanced, equitable work environment. However, despite the strides made to support equality in the workforce, there are still

The Evolution Of Job Interviews

Looking back through history, how we go about getting a job has changed dramatically, evolving to the point of ultra-convenience. Spark Hire’s infographic, “The Evolution of Job Interviews,” reveals some important insights on the future of job interviews. Here are the highlights of the infographic:  Ancient