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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

The Essentials of Pre-Employment Screening

Employers need to know they can trust their staff, but that’s not the only reason they perform pre-employment screening. Some organizations, such as municipalities, law enforcement offices, defense contractors and government agencies, may even be legally required to conduct background checks. This doesn’t mean, however, that

Why Did I Fail My Background Check?

Failing a background check can be a humiliating experience, in addition to affecting your livelihood by barring you from a specific position. Many people feel traumatized or hurt when this occurs, but discovering the truth about why you failed will often make you feel better.

Where To Go For Help On Your Background Check

If you are offered a job or are investigated at work, your employer may request a background check. It is important to know what is acceptable and when you should contact the Federal Trade Commission or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. What Information Can An Employer Request?Employers

Great Interview, But Bad Background Check?

When you apply for a job, there’s a lot that goes on before a decision is made about whether you should be hired. You typically submit a resume along with the application, meet with executives for at least one interview and undergo a background check.