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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

Job Background Check Parts

Acing a job interview used to be the deciding factor in getting a job. But if the employer requires a background check, then that will play a huge role in the hiring. A good interview won’t erase any negatives found in the background check. But

Are You Disposing Of Sensitive HR information?

Take Care When Disposing of HR Information. A well-informed staff in HR departments knows the importance of proprietary information and maintaining security for sensitive HR information. Over time, it is inevitable sensitive HR information should be securely disposed of. An unsecured disposal may eventually become a

Background Screening in Healthcare

It is easy to understand why thorough background checks are an essential part of the hiring process for healthcare workers. These employees are entrusted with the care of many patients and may have access to drugs. The high employee turnover rate in the healthcare industry

How You Can Use Social Media for Background Checks

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently announced that they will begin collecting social media data on all immigrants entering the country. As an employer, why not hold job applicants to the same standard as the U.S. government? In fact, according to Private Eyes Inc.,