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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

What shows up on an FBI fingerprint background check?

Has a new job asked you to undergo an FBI background check? Don’t panic. Employers use these comprehensive reviews of your criminal history as one piece in the candidate evaluation puzzle. If asked, you should fully disclose any potentially damaging information, because it’s likely the FBI

Can an Employer Check Your Work History?

When job hunting, it pays to know what a hiring manager can discover about an applicant. No federal laws exist in regards to what an employer can ask or check without the candidate’s knowledge. However, state laws to regulate the information processes, and it’s up

Can a previous employer disclose why you left?

When you provide information about former employers, you might wonder if they can disclose why you left. Some job seekers might believe that employers are limited to only revealing a former employees job title, pay, and dates of employment. While there are no federal laws

Can I fail a background check?

Can I Fail a Background Check? Job seekers are subject to background checks, and if you have failed one, you may not understand why. The following outlines the possible reasons for failing the check and how to pass the next time around. Relevant Criminal ConvictionUnder law, an