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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

What are the 5 basic workplace hazards?

What are the 5 basic workplace hazards? Going to work every day means learning new things, working through challenging assignments, and bringing home a steady paycheck. One aspect of working that we don’t think about all that often is common workplace hazards. Being aware of these

What happens when OSHA standards are violated?

The answer to this question depends on both the number and the nature of the violations. OSHA never announces an inspection in advance, which allows them to see a workplace for what it is. If someone informs an employer of an upcoming inspection, that person can be

What Are the 4 Types of Workplace Violence?

Workplace violence is any of several behaviors that entail violence, threats of violence and similar conduct that makes people worry for their physical safety, be they a customer or employee, regardless of whether it occurs on or off the clock. Most companies regard harassment and

Why is workplace safety important?

Workplace Safety is Everyone’s Job Most of us don’t think about getting injured at work. We go about our daily activities, whether our jobs are physical in nature or not. We get stuck into routines doing the same things, in the same way, repeatedly. Until we

Who should I put as a reference?

Who should I put as a reference? The list of references that you put on your resume is as important as your qualifications and experience. It will give your potential employer an external source to verify all your information. It is also a way for them