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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

Does your criminal record clear after 7 years?

Once an individual has any sort of criminal record it may be difficult to get a job. Fortunately, after enough time certain convictions may not show up on your record. The following answers questions regarding if a criminal record will clear after seven years. What Shows Up on

Do all businesses do background checks?

Nowadays, almost every company will run a background check on people before hiring them. The number one reason they do so is for safety. The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) performed a survey on this topic and we’ve broken down the highlights. The

What Is Considered a Criminal Record?

What Is Considered a Criminal Record? If you’ve ever had a background check, then you’re familiar with a criminal record. These records keep a detailed list of any crimes you’ve ever been charged with, and a record can largely influence your success rate in finding a job,

What is an MVR Background Check?

An MVR background check is a check of a person’s motor vehicle records. It shows a wealth of information about a driver including his or her birth date, height, license restrictions and more. An organization may perform such a check for a variety of reasons.