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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

Do employers do background checks before making an offer?

Employers often run background checks on their employees. From a company standpoint, this makes good sense. No business wants to hire an individual with a questionable background or an unreliable work history. When employers do background checks, they’ll normally look at a person’s criminal history

How Do Employers Verify High School Education?

One of the most common requirements to enter the workforce is to successfully obtain either a GED or high school diploma. A potential employer may use several methods to verify high school education, including those listed here, so make sure you’re being honest. Require Documentation An effective

How Do Employers Check Criminal Records?

While you are searching for a job, you may find that you must submit your resume, perfect your interviewing skills and ace network events. What many job seekers fail to plan for, however, are the background checks that will be performed on them. Potential employers

Does your criminal record clear after 7 years?

Once an individual has any sort of criminal record it may be difficult to get a job. Fortunately, after enough time certain convictions may not show up on your record. The following answers questions regarding if a criminal record will clear after seven years. What Shows Up on

Do all businesses do background checks?

Nowadays, almost every company will run a background check on people before hiring them. The number one reason they do so is for safety. The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) performed a survey on this topic and we’ve broken down the highlights. The