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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

Can I Lie About My Education on a Resume?

Fudging Your Education on a Resume Whether it is called lying or just fudging your education on a resume, it is never a good idea to deliberately misrepresent yourself. There are several reasons why:. The job requires a solid education and knowledge related to job duties. Validating education is

Does HR verify education?

When you’re applying for a job, it’s important to know that most companies verify your education history. The human resources department will likely do a complete background check including your educational background. It’s important to let the hiring manager know if you have a GED

Can companies check your GPA?

Can companies check your GPA? Are you tempted to lie on your resume? If you round up your GPA by a few tenths or fudge a few dates, can anyone even find out? Here’s what you need to know about how your GPA affects finding a

What looks bad on a background check?

Background checks are a good way for employers to verify employment applications from candidates. These checks can be in-depth or simply used to cross-reference and validate what the applicant has listed on their job application or resume. When a hiring manager reviews the information provided to