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Background Checks | Blog

Read the latest news on background checks.

What causes a red flag on a background check?

Before making a new hire, many managers put prospective employees through an intensive background check. These reviews usually include a look at a job candidate’s criminal record, credit, drug record, education background, and work history. While nobody’s record is likely to be perfect, certain problems will

What do employers look for on a MVR check?

Nowadays, employers cannot be too careful about who they employ. Hence, almost every employer or hiring agency conducts background checks on potential hires. Depending on the company and the job position in question, employers can check an applicant’s credit reports, criminal records, or motor vehicle

What information is on a person’s driving record?

People need to be aware of the information about them on their driving records. This could have an impact on their vehicle insurance rates, employment and more. It is advised that drivers get a copy of their driving record periodically. Information on a Driving Record A person’s

What is a Background Check?

A background check allows a company (or an individual) to learn about the education, employment history, criminal record, and other details of a person and to check for any discrepancies between what a person told them about themselves and what is true. These background checks

Does a background check show education?

When thinking about a background check, do you ever wonder if they include your education history? It is a good question but can’t be boiled down to a yes or no answer. Maybe you want to find out about a new employee and wondered if