What Your Clients Need to Know About Zombie Debts

With so many financial hardships affecting millions of American these days, zombie debts are among the most unexpected. They certainly surprise the affected individual and may even affect your ability to provide a loan. Here is what you need to know about zombie debts and

What is Data-Driven Recruitment and How Can it Benefit You

Unless your business is a one-person operation, you need talented and dependable employees to maintain peak performance. Unfortunately, many hired employees don't work out as well as expected. Is there a preferred way to find the best employees? Data-Driven RecruitingOne approach to consider is data-driven recruiting.

How Prevalent is Loan Fraud and How Can You Prevent It

Between the first quarters of 2021 and 2022, there was a noted 15% increase in fraud, according to the National Mortgage Application Fraud Risk Index. As more and more financial institutions are trying to make financial solutions easier for applicants so that they can be