Foreclosure Vs. Short Sale

Before you make a decision regarding short sale or foreclosure of your house, make sure that you are taking the right route and if foreclosure is the right option for you situation. “A short sale is one where the lender agrees to release its lien

Are Background Checks Reliable and Accurate?

The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) conducted a study during mid-2012, affirming the “accuracy of background checks”. This study was in response to  a report by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), which “accused background screeners of routinely making mistakes.”The study, which was validated by

The Callous Behavior of Financial Giants

Our nation’s economy has been on the rocks for the past few years and in such a situation, do we need big-named financial institutions rocking the already sinking boat? Can we blame their callous behavior and hold them responsible for putting the economy on unsteady

Choose Right Childcare Facility

A child’s safety is a parent’s number one priority. In this day and age when most parents are working, they rely on child day care facilities for support. There are many factors to be considered when choosing a childcare facility/in-house care provider: Safety, training and

Background Check a Wise Investment

The New Year is here, sunny and bright, bringing with it hope and aspirations for everyone. This is a good time to evaluate and see how 2013 can be efficient and productive. Hence, let’s start the year by evaluating the ‘Return of Investment’ on background

Impact of Fiscal Cliff

The New Year is here and with it comes some good news for homeowners all over the nation. Congress finally passed the fiscal bill last week with favorable outcome for the mortgage owners. Let’s evaluate the various tax relief outcomes from the bill. Extension of American

Housing Trends of 2012

It is that time of the year again when everyone is rushing to finish their holiday shopping and kids are waiting for Santa to visit. It is also time to look back at the year that has gone by, to review the good and bad.

Firearms in Dangerous Hands

The recent shootings in Connecticut and Portland has left the nation shocked and bereaved. It is reported that 26 people, out of whom 20 were children, died in Connecticut elementary school shooting. This tragedy, one of the worst shootings that this country has witnessed, is