Are Your References Credible? You Would Be Surprised

When it comes to references, most people are honest. After all, it’s not hard for a reasonable adult to provide a few references. Old bosses, mentors, colleagues, and community leaders can often step in to vouch for someone. Unfortunately, some people will take the unethical route

Is There A Sex Offender At Work? We Can Check!

Regardless of where you work, it is important to feel completely safe and secure at your office or place of business. There are a few important ways that you can accomplish this goal. Meet with your boss to go over acceptable conduct and behavior guidelines

Tips to Prevent Mortgage Fraud

People may not think they have control over issues related to mortgage fraud. However, when shopping for a home mortgage loan, potential borrowers may take some steps so they do not inadvertently engage in unethical activities. Previously, lenders lessened requirements, only requiring applicants to provide the

Form 4506 Definition

Buying a home involves a lot of paperwork, and the most important pieces of paperwork are tax returns. Mortgage companies use to allow home buyers to state their income without any documentation, which led to the housing market crash in 2008. Now, whenever someone is