Astra’s 16th Annual Reception – A networking extraordinaire
We were thrilled to be part of Astra’s Annual Reception and Workshop, held in San Francisco, in July. Astra Women’s Business Alliance is a wonderful organization that supports and promotes women-owned businesses. In their own words, their mission is “to advance opportunities for women in business.” Private Eyes is happy to be associated with such an amazing organization and is proud to have sponsored the keynote address at the event.
Our CEO, Sandra James also attended this prestigious event. She shared that “the event was fabulous, the venue was beautiful, and the San Francisco weather was perfect; showing a clear view of the bay from the room that was packed with great energy and huge turnout. The Key Note speaker, Lynn Tilton, CEO of Patriarch Partners, was inspiring and reminded us all that with every new hire we can all make a difference in America’s economy.”

Diane and Suzanne Lackman, Lynn Tilton(Patriarch Partners)

Arlene Inch (TransPak) and Sandra James (Private Eyes Inc)